Our society has given a new meaning to the survival of the fittest. Nowadays, survival is the code for success. A sound and fit mind is the most diligent human quality. The issues of our society can only be solved through smart strategies.
These strategies are generated by quick-witted minds. It is astonishing how close we have come to unraveling the truth about the universe. Human technology has surpassed all boundaries. We can even observe the farthest galaxies of the known universe. In such a world, a dull mind can never succeed.
Since a high functioning mind is a requirement for success in this world, we must do everything to achieve that. There are two ways to enhance our cognitive functions. Both of them revolve around nervous system stimulation.
The first method involves synthetic pharmaceutical stimulants. The other method revolves around natural stimulants. Natural nootropic stimulants are dietary supplements. The difference between pharmaceutical stimulants and natural dietary supplements lies in side effects.
There are many varieties of nootropic supplements available in the market. The real dilemma is choosing the right supplement for yourself. Here we have two high-quality nootropic supplements available in the market, Mind Lab Pro and Optimind.
In this article, we have compared Mind Lab Pro vs Optimind with each other. Even though both of them are nootropic supplements, they still have some factors that distinguish one from the other. Once you have read the article you will know exactly what to expect from nootropic supplements.
Let’s get started!
Our Overall #1 Rated Pick
Mind Lab Pro
Nervous system protection
Mind Lab Pro
Mind Lab Pro is a nootropic supplement. It contains 11 nootropic, active compounds. It stimulates the brain through 6 biopathways. The main focus of Mind Lab Pro is to enhance overall cognitive functionality. At the same time, it avoids mental burnout or mind crash.
Mind Lab Pro aims to provide sustainable energy to the brain while keeping it relaxed. Benefits associated with Mind Lab Pro include memory, focus, concentration, motivation, and nervous system protection.
Optimind is another nootropic supplement. It contains completely natural, organic ingredients. The organic ingredients hold nootropic benefits. Thus, Optimind stimulates the nervous system through its nootropically active compounds.
Some ingredients of Optimind are similar to those of Mind Lab Pro. But there are certain differences as well. These similarities and differences are highlighted below.
Similarities Between Mind Lab Pro and Optimind
The main similarity between Mind Lab Pro and Optimind is their mechanism of action. Both of the nootropic supplements provide benefits through a variety of working mechanisms. Nearly all of the working mechanisms are the same.
Mind Lab Pro acts on the brain via influencing neurochemical concentration in the brain. Optimind adopts a similar strategy as well. Moreover, Mind Lab Pro provides antioxidants benefits. So does Optimind.
Another similarity lies in ingredients. Both of the supplements use natural ingredients to stimulate the nervous system. A lot of similar ingredients are observed in these supplements. Moreover, due to the organic nature of these supplements, both of them cause almost no adverse side effects.
Furthermore, the dosage of Mind Lab Pro and Optimind is similar as well. Mind Lab Pro has neuroprotective nootropic compounds and Optimind also contains neuroprotective nootropic compounds. Last but not least, both of the supplements enhance neural plasticity.
Differences Between Mind Lab Pro and Optimind
The first and foremost difference between Mind Lab Pro and Optimind is of their manufacturer. These two supplements belong to two different nootropic parent companies. Thus, a certain number of dissimilarities are bound to appear.
The ingredients list of these nootropic supplements differentiates them from one another. Even though some nootropic ingredients are similar, a huge percentage of ingredients differ from one another as well.
Mind Lab Pro features cognizin as the main nootropic compound. On the other hand, Optimind does not contain cognizin at all. Similarly, Optimind contains Huperzia Serrata while Mind Lab Pro does not.
Moreover, Mind Lab Pro only contains three B vitamins. On the contrary, Optimind features vitamin D as well as various B vitamins. Furthermore, the sources of some key nootropic ingredients differ. Phosphatidylserine in Mind Lab Pro is sourced from lecithin in sunflowers. The phosphatidylserine in Optimind is sourced from soybeans.
Last but not least, Optimind contains caffeine. However, Mind Lab Pro completely avoids caffeine in their formula.
Mind Lab Pro vs Optimind – Side by Side Comparison
Now comes the time to analyze each factor concerned with both the supplements side by side. This side by side comparison while giving you a better insight into the similarities and dissimilarities of Mind Lab Pro and Optimind and help you make an informed choice.
Ingredients & Benefits
The ingredients of a nootropic supplement are the make or break factor for its success. Since dietary supplements do not add synthetic nootropic chemicals, thus nootropic supplements have to rely on a variety of naturally occurring nootropic elements.
There are a variety of nootropic elements found in nature. We even incorporate some in our daily lives. An example of a common nootropic supplement is caffeine. The real trick here is the source of the ingredient. Apart from the nootropic ingredient itself, the source of the ingredient matters as well.
More often than not, the source of the ingredient influences the pharmacodynamic properties of the element. For example, caffeine sourced from coffee beans causes a crash and mental burnout. However, caffeine sourced from green tea leaves does not cause any burnout. Details about the ingredients of Mind Lab Pro and Optimind are mentioned below.
Mind Lab Pro Ingredients
Mind Lab Pro features 11 nootropic ingredients. Some of them are strictly nootropic elements. Some nootropic elements are derived from herbs while others are amino acids. Vitamins are also a part of the Mind Lab Pro’s constituents.
- Citicoline
The first ingredient is citicoline in the form of cognizin. Citicoline is a known nootropic element in the market. Cognizin is a patented form of citicoline. It is an intermediate element that exists between phosphatidylcholine and choline.
It enhances the production of phosphatidylcholine. Phosphatidylcholine in turn promotes the production of acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a known neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine stimulates the prefrontal cortex.
As we know, the prefrontal cortex enhances cognitive functions. More particularly executive functions such as neural regeneration, focus, attention, and memory are enhanced. Cognizin also optimizes neural electrical impulses.
Furthermore, it acts as an antioxidative element thus saving the neural cells from oxidative damage. Lastly, it energizes the brain and optimizes neural network regeneration.
- Phosphatidylserine
The second major nootropic ingredient is phosphatidylserine in the form of Sharp PS green. The PS in Mind Lab Pro is derived from lecithin which is extracted from natural sunflowers. Thus, it is completely plant-based.
It is a type of fat that is dominant in the brain cell membranes. So, it has a prominent function in nerve cell regeneration. Furthermore, it also enhances the nerve growth factor which leads to enhanced neural network generation.
Together, these two functions of phosphatidylcholine support neural plasticity. Lastly, phosphatidylcholine also enhances the production of acetylcholine and dopamine.
- Herbs
Mind Lab Pro features a bunch of herbs with nootropic benefits. These herbs include bacopa monnieri, Rhodiola rosea, lion’s mane mushroom, and maritime pine bark extract. Bacopa monnieri contains 9 bioactive nootropic compounds.
These bioactive compounds are called bacosides. The bacosides are natural antioxidants. They also stimulate the production of other antioxidants including GPx and SOD. Bacosides also support the production of neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, serotonin, and GABA.
- Lion’s Mane Mushroom
Lion’s mane mushroom is another active nootropic herb. It contains two nootropic compounds namely hericenones and erinacines. These two compounds enhance the production of nerve growth factor.
The nerve growth factor supports neural plasticity and myelin sheath production. Maritime pine bark extract is another nootropic herb. It contains 95 percent proanthocyanidins. Proanthocyanidins perform three functions.
Firstly, it acts as an antioxidant. Secondly, proanthocyanidins enhance nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator that relaxes blood vessels in the brain. Lastly, it enhances brain regeneration through multiple pathways.
- Rhodiola Rosea
Rhodiola rosea is the last herb found in Mind Lab Pro. Rhodiola rosea also performs multiple nootropic functions. Firstly, it enhances the production of cognitive specific neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters include norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin.
Moreover, it increases the transfer rate of these neurotransmitters across the blood-brain barrier. It decreases the production of cortisol. Thus, increases resistance towards stress. Lastly, Rhodiola rosea acts as an antioxidant and protects against oxidative damage.
- Other Ingredients
In other ingredients, Mind Lab Pro contains amino acids as well as vitamins. L tyrosine and L theanine are the amino acids in Mind Lab Pro. Whereas, Vitamin B 6,9,12 are the relevant vitamins found in Mind Lab Pro.
L tyrosine enhances the production of catecholamines. Catecholamine neurotransmitters include epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine. These neurotransmitters are depleted during stress. Thus, L tyrosine replenishes the neurotransmitters and reverses the effect of stress on the brain.
On the other hand, L theanine enhances alpha brain wave production. Naturally, alpha brain wave production is dependent on a relaxed brain. Moreover, L theanine supports the production of GABA, serotonin, and dopamine. These neurotransmitters along with alpha brain waves relax the brain.
B vitamins provide many benefits. But particularly vitamin B 6,9, and 12 provide nootropic relevant benefits. These three vitamins are involved in homocysteine metabolism. Homocysteine causes brain damage and other defects.
B vitamins counter these defects by reducing homocysteine levels in the brain. Moreover, B vitamins are known to sharpen overall mental performance.
Optimind Ingredients
A few of the ingredients found in Optimind are similar to those of Mind Lab Pro. But there are some different ingredients as well.
- Bacopa Monnieri
Bacopa Monnieri is a herb found in Optimind as well as Mind Lab Pro. Bacopa monnieri provides bacosides. Bacosides provide nootropic benefits. Bacosides enhance the production of antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. It acts as an anti-oxidants as well.
Moreover, it enhances the production of neurotransmitters such as GABA, dopamine, and serotonin. These neurotransmitters are cognitively relevant. Thus, bacosides enhance cognitive functionality.
- Huperzia Serrata
Another nootropic herb found in Optimind is Huperzia Serrata as huperzine A. Huperzine A is a Chinese medicinal herb. It acts as a neuroprotectant. Thus, it protects the brain from degenerative diseases such as dementia.
Moreover, huperzine A multiplies the effect of other nootropic supplements in the formula. So, it provides dual benefits. Optimind also contains phosphatidylserine derived from soybeans. Phosphatidylserine makes up 15 percent of the fat found in brain cells.
It is a major portion of the nerve cell membranes. Thus, its supplementation enhances nerve cell regeneration and nerve cell fluidity. It also enhances neural plasticity by enhancing nerve cell integrity.
- Other Ingredients
Moreover, Optimind contains the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid. GABA is a cognitively relevant amino acid. Thus, GABA enhances cognitive functionality. Furthermore, Optimind contains caffeine from green coffee beans.
So, it does not cause any crash or burnout. But it provides all the energizing benefits of caffeine. Optimind also contains alpha-lipoic acid. Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant. Thus, it protects from brain damage and memory loss diseases.
Optimind also contains two amino acids namely L tyrosine and L taurine. L tyrosine enhances the production of neurotransmitters such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine. These neurotransmitters perform excitatory functions.
Thus, they energize the brain. On the other hand, L taurine has a calming effect on the brain and body. It reduces blood pressure thus reducing stroke chances. And L taurine also supports nerve growth.
- Vitamins
In vitamins, Optimind features vitamin D, vitamin B1, and vitamin B 12. Vitamin D enhances the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. These minerals optimize the immune system. Thus, vitamin D protects from autoimmune diseases.
Moreover, calcium is essential in generating electrical impulses. So, Vitamin D has a role in optimizing nerve electrical impulses. Thiamine is a neuroprotectant. So, it protects the brain from various diseases.
But specifically, Thiamine reduces the risk of inflammatory diseases. Lastly, vitamin B12 provides multiple nootropic benefits. Including the production of neuronal lipids which enhance nerve cell integrity.
Moreover, B12 supports the regeneration of axons. Axons are key tools in information transfer from one nerve to another. So B12 enhances brain processing speed. Vitamin B12 also acts as a neuroprotectant.
Side Effects
Side effects are generated when synthetic chemicals are ingested. But these dietary nootropic supplements only contain organic and natural elements. Moreover, the active compounds of these nootropically active elements work in coherence with the body’s natural mechanisms.
Thus, nootropic dietary supplements do not cause any adverse side effects.
Although, an allergic reaction can occur in case of allergies in the recipient. Some people are oblivious to the fact that they are allergic to certain compounds. And nootropic supplements contain a variety of natural ingredients.
Any one of the ingredients can cause an allergic reaction in a hypoallergenic individual. In such a scenario, immediately stop taking the supplement. Visit your nearest medical facility to get an anti-allergic medication. Moreover, if you are aware of any allergies you have then check the ingredients tediously to make sure that the supplement is devoid of any allergen compounds.
However, in case any other side effects appear in your body. These side effects can be anything other than nervous system stimulation. Then visit your doctor to find out the reason behind the side effect.
Because naturally, these supplements are not prone to producing side effects. Thus the problem revolving around side effects might be a hidden metabolic problem in your own system. In conclusion, both of the supplements in question are not guilty of producing any adverse side effects.
Things to Keep An Eye Out For
No matter which nootropic you are buying, there are a few things that you need to keep an eye out for. Let’s briefly see what they are so that you can make a better, informed choice between Mind Lab Pro and Optimind.
First of all, the dose depends on the amount of nervous system stimulation is required to reach optimum functionality. Secondly, the time of the concentrated nervous system influences the dose. Lastly, any chronic illnesses and age-related factors influence a change in the dose of nootropic dietary supplements.
A regular dose for a middle-aged person complies with 2 capsules of nootropic dietary supplements every day. In this regimen, one capsule should be taken at the start of the day with breakfast. While the other capsules should be consumed at the end of the day. This dose needs to be carried out for at least 14 days to see an appropriate effect on brain functions.
In case of a chronic illness, the dose can only be prescribed by a physician. Preferably your medical doctor should prescribe the dose of your nootropic dietary supplement according to other pharmaceutical drugs.
Enhancing the dose does not yield more effective results. In order for nootropic dietary supplements to function they require a bit of time in your system. Thus, it is vital to wait for a minimum of 14 days before enhancing the dose.
Mechanism of Action
There are various ways a nootropic supplement stimulates the nervous system. Each nootropic ingredient has its own mechanism of action. But most common mechanisms of action adopted by nootropic compounds are those explained below.
- Neurotransmitter related MOA
The mechanism of action of dietary nootropic supplements is almost alike. The first method nootropic supplements stimulate the nervous system is by enhancing the production of neurotransmitters.
A range of neurotransmitters has an excitatory effect on the nervous system. These neurotransmitters include dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine. Increased levels of neurotransmitters lead to enhanced stimulation of the nervous system.
The second way is to sustain the level of these neurotransmitters at the synaptic cleft. If neurotransmitters are constantly present at the synaptic cleft then they can stimulate the receptors at a moderate pace.
They constantly stimulate the nervous system to produce adequate action. This function prevents the crash and burnout condition associated with rogue nootropic compounds. This mechanism of action is dependent on neurotransmitter receptor blocker.
Some nootropic elements block a limited number of receptors so as to retain the level of neurotransmitters in the synapse. Another method revolving around neurotransmitters for nootropic stimulation is their transport.
Some nootropic elements increase the transport of neurotransmitters across the blood-brain barrier. Thus, the neurotransmitter concentration increases inside the brain. Which leads to a high level of neurotransmitters and adequate stimulation of the nerve cells.
Furthermore, some hormones in the body are released due to stress such as catecholamines. These hormones dampen the nervous system. So some nootropic elements reduce the production of catecholamines. This leads to a reduction in the stress-related dampening of the nervous system.
- Antioxidative MOA
Reactive oxidative species are the leading cause of damage to the nervous system. Reactive oxygen species start a chain reaction and slowly convert each molecule into one of their own. This chain reaction has very strong degenerative action.
In order to stop this chain reaction, an antioxidant is required. An antioxidant neutralizes the reactive oxygen species and stops the chain reaction in its way. Naturally, a balance between reactive oxygen species and antioxidants is maintained in the body.
But aging, stress, and diseases create reactive oxygen species which then cause havoc in the body and brain. Some nootropic elements are natural antioxidants. This means that they protect the brain from damage caused by reactive oxygen species.
Some nootropic elements stimulate the production of the body’s natural antioxidants. The body’s natural antioxidants include superoxide dismutase(SOD) and glutathione peroxidase(GPx). Together, the natural antioxidants and supplemental antioxidants fight the reactive oxygen species. They prevent degenerative damage caused by aging and diseases.
- Neural Plasticity Enhancing MOA
The main structure of the brain cell includes the neuron body, axons, and dendrites. These structures have a cell membrane around them. The cell membrane protects the integrity of the cell’s inner structures.
This cell membrane mainly consists of fats such as phosphatidylserine. The supplementation of phosphatidylserine leads to the regeneration of the cell membrane. This in turn leads to enhanced cell membrane integrity and nerve cell fluidity. Both of these factors enhance neural plasticity.
Furthermore, the axons and dendrites send and receive electrical impulses. These electrical impulses are code for information transfer. Some nootropic compounds enhance axon regeneration and extension.
This leads to a speedy information transfer. And ultimately a fast-acting brain processes the information faster and produces an appropriate response timely. Apart from the protective action of antioxidants, some nootropic compounds are neuroprotectants.
These neuroprotectants preserve the vitality of neuron structure and generate myelin sheath. The protective action of these compounds leads to the preservation of nerve health. This is essential for optimal brain function.
Quality of Ingredients
The quality of ingredients is dependent on the sources of ingredients. Meanwhile, the overall quality of the supplement is dependent on the manufacturing process as well. First of all, in nootropic supplements, many compounds have the ability to cause crash and burnout.
Thus, it is vital that nootropic elements should be extracted from compounds that do not cause crash and burnout. Moreover, the farming practices of the ingredients also factor in their quality. The ingredients should be grown without any synthetic fertilizer or GMO.
This is because synthetic fertilizers can add unwanted chemicals to the ingredients whereas genetic modification can lead to changes in the internal chemical makeup of the ingredient. Furthermore, the concentrations of the ingredients optimize the safety of the entire supplement.
Nootropic ingredients should be added in safe concentrations so as to not override the nervous system. Therefore, only nootropically active parts of the herbs should be added to the supplement. However, the rest of the herbs should be discarded.
Mind Lab Pro vs Optimind: Which is Better?
Our Pick
Mind Lab Pro
- Vegetarian
- Prevents insomnia and fatigue
- Improves mental health
If you read the entire article, you must have already formed an opinion about either Mind Lab Pro or Optimind. If you ask for our recommendation, we believe that Mind Lab Pro is better than Optimind. There are a variety of reasons why we have chosen Mind Lab Pro as the better nootropic supplement.
First of all, the ingredients of Mind Lab Pro are research-backed. As far as our understanding stands, these ingredients are key for optimal functionality of the nervous system. Moreover, the sources of ingredients are far better in Mind Lab Pro than they are in Optimind.
Moving on, Mind Lab Pro caters to a variety of cognitive functions. This is because Mind Lab Pro acts on the brain via 6 biopathways. It covers most of the deficits of cognitive functions and raises them together.
Lastly, Mind Lab Pro provides a moderate but constant stimulation of the nervous system. So, it does not override the normal limits of nervous system functionality. Moreover, it does not end in mental exhaustion or burnout.
For all these reasons, and even the ones we couldn’t mention in this article. We choose Mind Lab Pro as the best nootropic supplement available in the market.
Here’s to a healthier, happier you!