Locus Coeruleus


The brain is not only in charge of conducting motor movements, but it also plays a part in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters that stimulate specific reactions in different parts of the body. It has specific centres that produce these chemicals, one of them is the locus coeruleus.

The locus coeruleus also spelt locus caeruleus or locus ceruleus, is a brainstem nucleus associated with physiological stress reactions and panic reactions. The locus coeruleus, which appears to mean “blue spot” in Latin, is the primary site in the brain for norepinephrine production (noradrenaline). 

The locus coeruleus and the parts of the body impacted by the norepinephrine it generates are referred to as the locus coeruleus-noradrenergic system, abbreviated as the LC-NA system. The adrenal medulla can also secrete norepinephrine directly into the blood.

In this article, the significance of the role that locus coeruleus plays in the many body functions will be highlighted; along with a discussion about the clinical complications that involve it.


  • The locus coeruleus is a nucleus located in the pons. It is near the bottom of the fourth ventricle
  • The locus coeruleus is now thought to be the primary site of norepinephrine production in the brain
  • The nucleus sends norepinephrine throughout the cerebral cortex as well as to other systems such as the cerebellum, amygdala, spinal cord, and hippocampus
  • These nerve cells have frequently expanded axons that project through the neuraxis and are the only source of norepinephrine to the neocortex, cerebellum, most of the thalamus region, and the hippocampus
  • The locus coeruleus (or “blue spot”) interacts with the amygdala, a group of cells near the brain responsible for emotional interpretation
  • It is the primary source of noradrenaline, a neurotransmitter in the brain
  • The norepinephrine (NE) locus coeruleus (LC) framework is implicated in the control of waking and sleeping processes. Stimulation of the locus coeruleus helps promote wakefulness
  • Neuromelanin-containing cells in the locus coeruleus start to degrade significantly in Parkinson’s disease
  • In Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the locus coeruleus deteriorates in the very early stages of disease progression, resulting in a gradual deterioration of noradrenaline nerve fibres of the neocortex and hippocampus 


The locus coeruleus is a pons-based nucleus. It’s close to the bottom of the fourth ventricle (Figure 1).

The coloured area was referred to as locus coeruleus, which suggests “blue spot,” in the Latin language, was used in the early part of the 1800s. Nevertheless, it was not until after the mid-twentieth century that neurobiologists discovered that the blue colouring in the locus coeruleus is induced by the manufacturing of a pigment created by reactions concerning the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which is otherwise referred to as noradrenaline. 

The locus coeruleus is now found to be the major region of norepinephrine manufacturing in the brain. The nucleus transmits norepinephrine through the cerebral cortex and also to other systems such as the cerebellum, amygdala, spinal cord and hippocampus. The fact remains that the locus coeruleus transmits projections to almost every part of the brain excluding the basal ganglia, which appears to be devoid of noradrenergic input information.

The locus coeruleus is associated with a wide range of processes given the variety of its projections and the activities of norepinephrine as a neurotransmitter. It is, even so, most intimately correlated to arousal, watchfulness, and awareness. Some other very important functions which concern the locus coeruleus are given below the heading ‘Function’.


The locus coeruleus is a group of nerve cells that contain norepinephrine that is positioned in the upper dorsolateral pontine tegmentum. These nerve cells have frequently expanded axons that project all through the neuraxis and are the only site of norepinephrine to the neocortex, cerebellum, the majority of the thalamus region and the hippocampus.  Despite its extensive allocation, noradrenergic nerve supply varies by region.

The prefrontal and parietal cortices, for instance, end up receiving pretty thick locus coeruleus-norepinephrine input information.  Single locus coeruleus nerve cells, broadly speaking, transmit axon collaterals to various target sites that handle the very same sensory input. Norepinephrine is distributed at both synaptic and extrasynaptic locations; extrasynaptic norepinephrine mediates paracrine effects on nerve cells, and many other cells including glial cells, and microvessels.


The locus coeruleus is largely made up of noradrenaline (also known as norepinephrine) nerve cells. This part of the brain is in charge of the anxiety and nervousness linked with addictive conduct, particularly the withdrawal effects. It is important to recognize that if the brain is not given sufficient activation in the reward centre, it perceives a potentially life-threatening circumstance and stimulates the locus coeruleus.

The locus coeruleus (Latin for “blue spot”) interacts with the collection of cells near the brain responsible for the interpretation of emotions, the amygdala. It is the primary source of the neurotransmitter known as noradrenaline in the brain (also called norepinephrine). This excitatory substance is distributed in pain response or stress response, activating what is known as the “fight-or-flight” reaction. This implies that it causes the sympathetic nervous system to be activated. Noradrenaline (or norepinephrine) is a neurotransmitter present in the brain, but it behaves like a hormone in the body and is secreted by the adrenal glands.

When an individual who is addicted to something such as alcohol or drugs is going through cessation of the substance, the stimulation of the locus coeruleus causes severe symptoms and feelings that are not very pleasant to deal with. These include sleeplessness, anxiousness and panic. This happens because of activating the Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) and Nucleus Accumbens (NA) on the locus coeruleus (Figure 2).

When this stimulation is interrupted owing to down-regulation, the brakes cannot be implemented. It is important to consider the fact that limbic systems prefer exclusivity, so as they are speaking, they keep other regions calm. The stress reaction induced by stimulation is strongly connected to depression, fear and anxiety symptoms, and Post-traumatic stress disorder.

Acupuncture has been displayed in studies to reduce accessible noradrenaline in the brain, preventing the sympathetic activity of organ systems and processes. Inhibiting information from serotonergic nerve cells emerging from the raphe dorsalis also quiets this region.

As mentioned before, the locus coeruleus’ main role is to monitor the quantity of noradrenaline in the forebrain. Thereby, at a behavioural or systemic level, the locus coeruleus’s task is highly reliant on the continuous interplay of secreted noradrenaline and nerve tissue activity in its various target sites. Up to this point, analysis shows that stimulation of the locus coeruleus in reaction to salient stimuli takes place very quickly, particularly in comparison to frontal and temporal associated regions.   Furthermore, the interaction of locus coeruleus nerve cells seems to be at the beginning of the training and learning, generally before corresponding differences in the frontal region can be observed.

Because locus coeruleus stimulation causes a huge secretion of noradrenaline in structures such as tissues or muscle cells that are the target sites of this chemical, and even a single locus coeruleus stimulation impacts target regions in a matter of hundreds of milliseconds, these temporary reactions to salient stimuli can modify action in potential targets as the animal adapts its behaviour to deal with the matter. 

Needless to say, maintained locus coeruleus stimulation, which results in strengthened and longer-lasting noradrenaline discharge, has a substantial influence on the functioning of target nerve cells and connections, as well as on behaviour. Based on the known impact of noradrenaline on cognitive skills, the functions of the locus coeruleus and the corresponding noradrenaline or norepinephrine can be theorized. 

The operations and tasks of locus coeruleus (LC) nerve cells in various behavioural situations have been thoroughly researched. In response to this claim, this norepinephrine (NE)-comprising nucleus regulates a wide range of physiological and pathological circumstances, such as the sleep-waking cycle, movement-related problems, mood changes, convulsions, and the administration of drugs like psychostimulants and opioids.

The eating-control system: 

The locus coeruleus is a massive structure located close to the upper pons’s central grey matter. It contains cells that possess melanin-pigment particles and catecholamines, primarily dopamine and noradrenaline, both of which have levodopa as a precursor molecule. It shares some similarities with dopaminergic nerve cells in the substantia nigra and nucleus accumbens, as well as a dopaminergic framework in the parolfactory gyrus. Noradrenergic nerve cells are thought to be somewhat more essential. They move up in the midbrain’s dorsal areas and gain entry into the diencephalon via the medial forebrain bundle (MFB), moving in the forward direction to the septal regions. Furthermore, noradrenergic fibres are widely allocated throughout the cerebral and cerebellar cortex, as well as immediately to the hippocampal structure and medial hypothalamus.

This, together with the reticular activating system, is broadly acknowledged to be part of a general activating mechanism. A reciprocally behaving cholinergic system has been demonstrated pharmacologically. Its nerve cell foundation has not been recognized, but the Meynert basal nucleus is undoubtedly associated.

The limbic system has integrated this eating-regulating method into an effective element of behavioural inhibition. When an animal is ‘compensated’ with meals, the coeruleus-MFB-septal pathway floods the septal region nuclei with noradrenaline. It has been suggested that the basal forebrain’s noradrenergic neural networks end up serving a “pleasure scheme” that represses undesired responses aided by a cholinergic “punishment system.” It is worth noting, nevertheless, that the majority of the research has been conducted on meal-rewarded animals.

The sleep-wake cycle: 

Several past studies have found that the norepinephrine (NE) locus coeruleus (LC) framework is implicated in the control of waking and sleeping processes.  Stimulation of the locus coeruleus, especially, helps promote wakefulness. This seems to be one of the brain’s significant arousal processes. The locus coeruleus was also discovered to be important for rebound sleep after lack of sleep and enhanced sleep after a stressful situation. A research paper was published in which the scientists discovered a circuit that connects the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) to the locus coeruleus and uses the dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH) as a switch. Their findings confirmed the features and working of this loop, demonstrating that locus coeruleus nerve cells and systems possess a circadian rhythm in their firing action and that this circadian variance in the locus coeruleus requires a preserved and undamaged dorsomedial hypothalamus. Many recent studies conducted have found that locus coeruleus lesions reduce the intensity of the circadian rhythm in the sleep-wake cycle. These findings suggest that the locus coeruleus is a crucial part of efferent circuitry for promoting circadian rhythms in sleep-wake cycles.

Numerous different recent findings from these researchers labs show that light deficiency causes a significant loss of norepinephrine in the frontal cortex of rats that were subjected to experimentation for their study and that this norepinephrine deprivation in animals subjected to dim and dark circumstances is related to lowering of the frequency of the circadian sleep-wake rhythm. The locus coeruleus system’s reliance on light for proper function has consequences for medical conditions like seasonal affective disorder.

Norepinephrine might contribute significantly to long-term synaptic plasticity, pain modification and control, motor skills regulation, energy homeostasis, and regulation of local blood flow in the brain. In neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD), the locus coeruleus suffers greatly. Dysfunction due to imperfect regulation of the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system has been linked to sleep and arousal abnormalities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and a variety of other conditions, such as posttraumatic stress disorder. It is a focus for pharmacological therapy of these situations. Many other excellent reviews have been written on the neuroscience of the locus coeruleus–noradrenergic system. 

Complications involving locus coeruleus:

Depression and anxiety, post-traumatic stress mental illnesses, anxiety and panic disorders are all linked to locus coeruleus malfunctioning. There are many other diseases where the locus coeruleus is affected or severely damaged.

Parkinson’s disease:

Locus coeruleus somewhat tube-shaped nucleus in the pons that serves as the brain’s main source of norepinephrine. Neuromelanin-containing cells in the locus coeruleus start to degrade significantly in Parkinson’s disease.

In a study conducted by (Zweig et al., 1993), the existence of dementia was related to lower locus coeruleus nerve cell counts (at not just one, two, but all anatomic stages) in patients with Parkinson’s disease without concurrent  Alzheimer’s disease; a significantly larger neuronal deficit in the ventral tegmental region, nucleus basalis of Meynert, and potentially the medial (but not the lateral) substantia nigra pars compacta; and more Lewy bodies in the anterior cingulate gyrus. 

Lesser locus coeruleus nerve cell and tissue counts had relatively favourable and often important correlations with these other pathologic metrics. They concluded that pathologic participation of multiple extranigral neuronal networks is correlated with dementia in Parkinson’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease: 

The locus coeruleus (shortly referred to as LC) is the primary source of cerebral noradrenaline (NA) and is connected to almost every region of the spinal cord and the brain. The overwhelming amount of locus coeruleus axons discontinue in the neocortex and hippocampus. The stimulation of adrenergic receptors (ARs) on glial cells can result in effective anti-inflammatory effects, which aid in the limitation of neuroinflammation occurrences all through the central nervous system (CNS). Noradrenaline and -adrenergic receptors derived from locus coeruleus have also been linked to the biological modulation of memory consolidation and collection.

Locus coeruleus noradrenergic nerve cells are damaged all through the process of normal ageing, and it is generally assumed that up to a quarter of those nerve cells and half of the noradrenaline levels are wasted in old people (>ninety years old) adults. Nevertheless, in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the locus coeruleus deteriorates in the very early stages of disease progression, resulting in a gradual deterioration of noradrenaline nerve fibres of the neocortex and hippocampus.

The absence of noradrenaline production and distribution to these areas of the brain accelerates nerve tissue deterioration and exacerbates memory and learning deficiencies.


The locus coeruleus is a group of nerve cells in the upper dorsolateral pontine tegmentum that contain norepinephrine. Stimulation of the locus coeruleus, in particular, aids in the promotion of wakefulness. This is a significant arousal process in the brain. The locus coeruleus has also been linked to rebound sleep after a lack of sleep and improved sleep after a stressful situation. The amygdala, a collection of cells near the brain responsible for emotion interpretation, interacts with the locus coeruleus (Latin for “blue spot”). It is the primary source of the neurotransmitter noradrenaline in the brain. In Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the locus coeruleus deviates in the early stages of disease progression, resulting in a gradual deterioration of noradrenaline nerve fibres in the neocortex and hippocampus. In Parkinson’s disease, neuromelanin-containing cells in the locus coeruleus begin to degrade significantly.

Reference list

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