Best Foods to Eat Before Bed for Sleep

Struggling to fall asleep? Well, you’re not alone. Sleeping problems affect almost 30% of adults across the US. Tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position just to get some shut-eye, if that’s you then you’ve come to the right place. 

There are many sleep issues, ranging from insomnia, sleep apnea, disrupted sleep, sleep paralysis, and a lot more. They can either disturb your sleep or prevent you from falling asleep altogether. 

We live fast-paced, chaotic lives and there are many reasons why most of us have sleep issues. Maybe you can’t fall asleep because you are stressed about an exam in the morning or an important meeting that you have set up with the client. 

Even though the problem seems really complex, the solution is very simple and straightforward – making changes in your diet. In this guide, we will look into the best foods to eat before bed for sleep that will help you get a peaceful, good night’s sleep. 

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Best Natural Supplement to Help You Sleep – Mind Lab Pro

Our Overall #1 Rated Pick

Mind Lab Pro

  • Multi-ingredient blend
  • No side effects
  • Global nootropic

We live in a fast-paced, chaotic world, where we don’t get enough time to focus on eating and sleeping right. This not only negatively affects our lives but also has a deleterious effect on our minds and bodies as well.

For those of us who want a simple, yet safe and natural solution to our insomnia and sleep issues, we have Mind Lab Pro – a universal nootropic. Other nootropics only target 2 or 2 brain pathways. Some use only botanicals while others are synthetics only.

While some help with memory, others increase your focus and concentration. They are self-limiting supplements that don’t tap the vast potential of the wonderous organ we call the human brain. Mind Lab Pro functions as a complete brain optimizer that helps you achieve peak mental health.

No matter who you are, what you need, and what you do, Mind lab pro will help you perform better mentally. It has a safe, clean formula and doesn’t have additives or stimulants. This supplement improves long-term brain health, relaxes and calms your body which leads to a peaceful, relaxing sleep.

It optimises processing speed, memory, attention, mood, and a lot more. Moreover, it busts fatigue and brain fog and supports quick thinking and focus. Just one capsule of this amazing natural supplement and you will be on your way to becoming a happier, healthier version of yourself!

Foods that Help You with Sleep

This can never be stressed enough, what you eat is directly – yes directly – related to how well you sleep at night. Eating a healthy blend of nutrients and staying away from unhealthy snacks can make a really big difference that you’ll be able to feel.

  • Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is a herbal tea that has been around for ages. It has a lot of soothing and sleep-sustaining properties. Chamomile contains an antioxidant called apigenin which calms down frizzled nerves and is good at treating insomnia. 

Since chamomile is all-natural, it doesn’t have any side effects. A warm cup of chamomile tea before you go to bed will help to improve the quality of your sleep. Not only this, but chamomile sleeps amazing as well and that also helps to calm down your stressed self.

Apart from chamomile, you can have a cup of green tea as well. Moreover, lavender tea has anxiolytic properties and an amazing aroma. Choose the flavor of tea that suits you and see the changes in your sleep pattern!

  • Passionfruit Tea

Passionfruit tea is a popular drink and is well-loved by everyone who takes a sip. What’s more, it has made its way to the Starbucks menu as well! Not only is the tea refreshing, but it also has a bunch of health benefits, particularly when it comes to reducing anxiety and helping you relax so that you can fall asleep easily.

Passionfruit is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids. These antioxidants are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, they boost your immunity and keep your heart healthy. Since the tea contains apigenin, it also helps with improving your sleep schedule. 

Apart from this, the triggered production of GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) helps you fall asleep quicker and get that 8-hour uninterrupted sleep you need to wake up bright and fresh in the morning!

  • Nuts

We all love nuts, from the crunchy cashew nuts to the crispy peanuts and a lot more. Nuts have melatonin and magnesium in them that will help you with your sleep issues. 

  1. Almonds

Almonds have a lot of health benefits, from good memory to anti-inflammatory properties. Almonds contain a lot of minerals and nutrients such as manganese, phosphorus, and riboflavin. All these nutrients are very much needed for good health. 

Now the million-dollar question is: Do almonds play any role in helping with sleep? Yes. That’s because like most nuts, almonds are full of Melatonin. As we know, Melatonin is ideal for getting a good night’s sleep. 

Melatonin performs the important function of maintaining and managing the internal sleep-wake cycle of the body. Magnesium deficiency can lead to various sleep issues as well. Since almonds contain magnesium, regular almond intake will ensure that your body is getting an adequate amount of magnesium. 

  1. Walnut 

Another nut that has a lot of benefits and nutrients is the Walnut. This tiny nut is full of minerals, vitamins, and has a good amount of fiber as well. Moreover, walnuts have a good amount of omega 3 fatty acids along with protein.

Apart from these healthy nutrients, walnuts have melatonin in them. By now, we all know the importance and need for melatonin for a good night’s sleep. A handful of walnuts before bedtime should do the trick!

  • Turkey 

Some foods are a complete package, such as the delicious, juicy, and scrumptious Turkey. No Thanksgiving dinner is complete without a Turkey, we all know that. However, what most of us don’t know is that it is full of healthy nutrients that improve our overall health.

Not only is Turkey rich in protein but also has a bunch of other nutrients and vitamins too. All these ingredients are the epitome of a balanced and healthy diet. Most of us feel sleepy and drowsy after a Thanksgiving dinner.

We think that it’s probably due to the fact that we ate too much, and too much to drink. However, what you don’t know is that the turkey you just had is playing a part in making you feel sleepy. Due to the presence of riboflavin, melatonin, and tryptophan, turkey makes you feel sleepy.

A slice of turkey with your dinner will help you relax and fall asleep easily.

  • Banana

We all know that fruits are an excellent source of minerals and essential vitamins. Moreover, they are high in fiber as well. Apart from this, they contain a wide range of antioxidants that reduce a person’s risk of cancer, inflammation, diabetes, and heart disease.

Bananas are a good source of magnesium and potassium. Optimum levels of both these nutrients are very important for having a proper sleep routine. Lack of magnesium in the body can hinder your sleep as it helps with the regulation and functioning of many enzymes. 

These enzymes include those that manage the circadian rhythm and sleep quality. New studies have shown that potassium deficiency is directly linked to sleep issues. Low levels of potassium not only cause sleep issues but also cause your anxiety symptoms to worsen. 

We recommend that you eat one banana with your dinner so that your body will get the required nutrients and you won’t face any issues with sleep.

  • Tart Cherry Juice

Just came after a run? A glass of orange juice will freshen you up and replace all the salts and minerals you lost through sweat. Fruit juices instantly hydrate and up the body’s glucose levels. Have you ever been sick? If you have, there is a good chance that you lived off fruit juices while you were sick.

This is because not only are they easier to consume, but they are packed with all essential nutrients that help you get through that illness. Fruit juices being the amalgam of all the nutrients in the fruit are also great for better sleep. Especially tart cherry juice.

Tart cherry juice contains many essential nutrients – magnesium, phosphorus, etc. – that are necessary for good sleep and other bodily functions. Tart cherry juice also has antioxidants like flavonol and melatonin, both of which help with the sleep cycle.

A glass of cherry juice right before you hit the bed with your favorite book will help you sleep better!

  • Milk

We have all heard from our parents or grandparents that a warm glass of milk before bed can help you fall asleep, especially during exams when you need that NREM sleep. Modern research backs up this fact as well.

Therefore, if you are not lactose-intolerant, a glass of warm milk before you sleep will help you fall asleep quickly.

  • Vegetables

Vegetables are not only useful for your health but are good for regulating your sleep cycle as well. Most of the green, leafy vegetables are full of potassium, manganese, and magnesium. All of these nutrients are essential for a healthy body and a healthy mind.

One of the best green vegetables when dealing with sleep issues is kale. Kale is full of nutrients like calcium and amino acids like tryptophan. Both of them contribute to a healthy brain which helps you get a proper, good night’s sleep. 

Basils, tomatoes, and carrots are also good options when you are searching for healthy food options to help you fall asleep easily. 

  • Fish 

Fish, particularly fatty fish, like tuna and trout are amazing sources of vitamin D along with Omega-3. Both of these nutrients are good for your hair, your nails, and of course, your sleep. Omega-3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA tend to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the brain. 

Fish like salmon and mackerel also contain a relatively good amount of vitamin D, mixed with Omega-3, of course. This mix is where the magic begins. Research has shown that the blend of vitamin D and Omega-3, naturally found in fatty fish, helps improve your sleep quality by increasing serotonin levels.

Healthy Eating Routine

Now, let’s talk about the time placement of these healthy and balanced meals. Breakfast needs to be eaten early in the morning, so make sure you are waking up early. These may seem like old people’s tales but waking up early has plenty of benefits.

Not only do you get more time throughout the day but also get help with your sleeping issues. Yes! sleeping early and waking up early will help you set a routine for a healthier, better lifestyle.  Lunch needs to be around noon. 

That’s when you’ll automatically get hungry after an early breakfast. Try to eat a balanced diet like a mixed chicken salad, even if you are busy, to help you get through the day without burning you out. Dinner needs to be taken around sunset. 

Make sure to not eat right before bed or around that time as our goal is to let our body simmer down and relax for a good night’s sleep. No midnight snacking – well, maybe occasionally but even then opt for a healthier substitute. 

Foods to Avoid Before You Go to Bed

While there are some foods that help you sleep better, there are some foods that have the opposite effect and cause sleep issues. Moreover, the timing of food intake plays a role as well. Having three healthy meals, all at their proper time is very important. 

Let’s see which foods you need to avoid before you go to bed as they will interfere with your sleep cycle.

  • Sugar

Surprise, surprise! Sugar is on the list. Taking a lot of sugar is not good for your overall health, no matter what time of day it is. If you eat sugary foods right before you sleep, this means it’ll take more time for the body to break down that sugar into glucose. 

All the metabolic activity will keep your body awake and will not let you sleep. Therefore, we suggest that you reduce your sugar intake throughout the day and take none right before you go to sleep to keep your digestive system relaxed.

  1. Ice Cream

An easy way of consuming sugar right before bed is by eating ice cream. It is very easy to crawl under the sheets with a full bowl of ice cream as you watch your favorite movie. However, the high levels of sugar in the ice cream will keep you up all night.

Ice cream increases glucose and cortisol levels, and this will keep your body wide awake. If you do fall asleep, it will be an unrestful, uneasy one. With that, put that ice cream tub right back in the freezer. Opt for a frozen banana instead.

  1. Cereal

Apart from ice cream, many kinds of cereal have a high amount of sugar in them as well. Cereals are not inherently bad, high-sugar cereals are. If you want to have some cereal before bed, you can go for the healthy oatmeal ones instead.

  1. Chocolate 

You knew this was coming. As much as we hate to say it, chocolate before bed is a no-no. Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, has caffeine in them which all of us know is not good for sleep. Caffeine will keep your body from relaxing and you will be wide-awake.

If you want to eat chocolate, you can do so in moderation throughout the day. However, if you want to have a sweet, peaceful sleep, don’t munch on a chocolate bar right before you go to sleep. 

  • Alcohol 

Yes, you read that right. Alcohol is bad for you. Bad for your liver, bad for your spleen, bad for your brain, bad for your skin, and yes, bad for a good night’s sleep. Now, we are not suggesting that you should stop drinking once in a while, but hitting the bar every single night after work is a bad habit that you need to work on.

  1. Wine

Wine specifically has the tendency to hinder your deep sleep when taken before bed, as it keeps the brain from entering the REM cycle, which is necessary for a night of healthy and deep sleep. Wine before sleep may seem great but research shows that it keeps you from falling asleep, and you stay up all night thinking instead of dreaming peacefully.

  1. Beer

Then there’s beer. Beer, while not having a lot of alcoholic content, is not good for your health. We can’t ignore the frequent trips to the restroom through the night after you have had a couple of beers. 

Moreover, research has also shown that beer drinkers keep waking up during the night, and their sleep is less peaceful as compared to those who didn’t have a couple of beers before sleeping.

Best Sleep Supplements 

We understand that it is not always easy to eat a balanced diet as we all live a very fast-paced life. Most of us rarely have time for food, let alone cooking a healthy meal. So, it is understandable to look for easier and all-rounder options. 

Natural supplements are a great step towards self-help and self-care. There are a lot of options available on the market that you can choose from but if you ask us, here’s a little mini-guide. These nutrients are key enhancers that will directly affect and improve the slow-wave sleep phase for a deep slumber. 

  1. Magnesium

Magnesium is a very important mineral that is also referred to as the deep sleep mineral. This mineral is involved in several enzyme regulation functions and some of these enzymes play a key role in the sleep-wake cycle.

Magnesium deficiency is quite common and the number one area that it affects is sleep. Most of the time, we seem to be doing everything right and still suffer from insomnia, In such cases, magnesium deficiency is the culprit.

You should take natural magnesium supplements to fulfill your body’s requirements and have a healthy, good night’s sleep.

  1. Valerian Root 

Valerian is the oldest and the most well-known out of all the mentioned nutrients. Valerian is a plant whose root has been used as a natural and herbal sleeping aid since ancient times. Moreover, it has also been used as an anxiety reducer or anxiolytic. 

Valerian works in the body by increasing the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA in the body. As discussed earlier, GABA is a neurotransmitter that helps the body maintain its sleep cycle. 

  1. L-theanine

Ever heard people recommending tea to help with the morning grogginess and better sleep? This is because tea has an abundant amount of L-theanine in it. L-theanine is usually mixed with GABA or gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is an essential neurotransmitter that helps to reduce the excitability and activity level to help induce sleep. 

The mix of both nutrients helps to reduce activity and stress, both of which are the leading cause of a bad sleep schedule. With reduced stress, L-theanine cannot only help you sleep quicker but can also help you improve your sleep quality. 

Our recommended sleeping aid supplement would be Mind Lab Pro® brainpower. This particular supplement is a nootropic that is designed to help you sleep. A little run down on the active ingredients of Mind Lab Pro®, this supplement has the best ingredient list of all time. You get,

  • Vitamin B6, B9, and B12
  • A great blend of amino acids like tyrosine, L-theanine, phosphatidylserine.
  • Some natural herbs like lion’s mane mushroom, Rhodiola rosea, Bacopa monnieri.

The ingredients work together to tackle the sleeping problem and help you with the issues so you can finally have some sleep. Their supplements are top-rated and customer favorites. The complete blend of safe nutrients and natural herbs works wonders. 

Another great option is the Performance Lab® Sleep supplement as well. 

Best Foods to Eat Before Bed for Sleep – FAQs

Q. Is nighttime snacking that bad?

Eating anything right before bedtime will prove to be fruitful, neither for your overall health nor for getting immediate sleep. Make sure that you don’t eat anything at least an hour before you hit the bed. However, you can take a cup of green tea, or chamomile tea right before you sleep.

Q. Are supplements a good alternative?

Nothing can really replace a good healthy diet but supplements come quite close. If you are unable to provide a balanced diet for yourself, then you should go with supplements. Supplements are here to help as they will provide your body with everything it needs to stay healthy. 

Q. How to use supplements?

Before starting any supplement, make sure you consult a physician to rule out any allergies or complications. Start with the minimum dosage and then increase the amount if need be.

Best Foods to Eat Before Bed for Sleep – Final Word

In short, what you eat and how you live will show up in many different phases in your life. As we learned how deficiencies of little things in our body can lead to serious problems like sleep apnea or insomnia, it is best to manage your life around your health. 

A good night’s sleep, no matter how old you are, is essential, and not getting that good night’s sleep can disrupt your productivity, activity, and overall health. From today, start taking care of yourself for a happier and healthier you.